Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ok Louise, This one's for you.
You asked me why I didn't write any more. Well here I go.
No, I haven't said much on my blog in the last couple of months. I ran out of things to say and I found other things to do. I really enjoyed writing on my blog and reading all of your posts. I found many times that I found great incouragment through reading your blogs and I thank you all for your inspiration.
I really didn't run out of things to say, because many things have happened since November. "November? Has it been that long?"
Anyways... Christmas was once again a blessing and a great time with family. I found myself complaining about all the gatherings that I had to attend and then was stoped in my tracks when I was reminded of all thoughs people who would have loved to have a family to share the holidays with. HMMmmmm.... something to ponder.
After the new year passed, "just barley" We took off to Cuba. We found a great couple, who I think I would go with again, and took off for a week. The great couple of course was Louise and her great husband Conrad. We shared many laughs "mostly at Sheldon" and enjoyed each others company in the hot hot sun. Woohoo...
Louise, I want to thank you for your great friendship. You are not only a great friend, but a super teacher. I have learnt so much from you and your honesty has given me insight for my own life as well. I know your a person who love's to get gifts, but you are also very good a giving us gifts. Your gifts are often in words of wisdom. You are a woman who is not afraid of sharing your faith with others. You could make an amazing insperational speeker. "You know if your looking for anything to do." lol
Thank you for your good looks, lol... and your super good "Sponge Coffee". LOL...
Thank you for your honesty and the effort you put into our relationship. (I think more people would give you credit for that) Thank you for your huge heart that never stops loving. You are a person to look up to. Cheers
Love you Leese...

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Louise said...

OH Candyballs you just had to go and make me cry!! You are SUCH a sweetheart!!!! I don't deserve all those nice things put I will take them and store them in my heart for those days when I need a boost!! I love you SOOOOOOO much and I am SO blessed by your friendship! We had SUCH a blast with you guys and we would travel again with you in a heartbeat!
Love you BIG HUGE MUCH! and thanks for being so wonderful and a great ear!

Anonymous said...

What a great tribute to Louise, I missed reading your blog! Welcome back.